Case Study
Hairspace - Michael Woffindin
We automate haircutting with machine vision and tracking technology.

I’ve always been interested in robotics and animatics. I had an early prototype developed in 2020.
How did WNT Ventures help us?
I reached out to the VC market and Callaghan Innovation and found WNT. They’d done a lot of work with hardware companies so I contacted them first. WNT did their due diligence and gave me some valuable advice right from the start. WNT told us they thought our tech was game changing and that really helped us with the Callaghan loan.
I see WNT not only as a partner but as an extra member of the team. WNT exponentially increased our development process with their support and connections. We developed a close relationship and I received almost daily contact and personalised advice for the first six months.
For someone with no experience in the VC world, they are with you every step of the way. WNT facilitates information-sharing with their network of companies and we often talk to each other. If I’ve got a problem, there’s usually a company that’s been through the same problem already. The New Zealand ecosystem isn’t really set up for early tech so it’s amazing to have a company like WNT that sees value and invests in early tech. I wouldn't be here without them.
What does the future hold?
We’re ready for commercialisation now. WNT were great working with us to improve our pitch presentation and messaging. We're now talking to market leaders that are interested in taking it further, so we're excited about those opportunities.