WNT is pleased to announce our latest investment into Sortify.tm. Sortify.tm is making waves in the global trademark industry through their relatedness engine which identifies the similarity and relatedness between goods and services in a trademark context.
In plain English this means that they can make the trademark filing process simpler, faster and cheaper for trademark applicants and attorneys alike.
Formed in 2017, the team at Sortify.tm is headed up by the ex-Potter IP team founders, Claire Foggo and Alan Potter and is supported by Co-Founders Narly Kalupahana and Senior Development Manager Blair Leighton. The company which also operates the diy.tm.co.nz website a platform for Do-It-Yourself filing of trademarks which has recently established itself as the third largest filer of trademarks in New Zealand.
Recently, Sortify.tm raised an investment round of $700,000 from investors such as Quayside Holdings and K1W1 alongside Australian and New Zealand investors.
WNT has invested alongside the current round but did not provide funding via the Callaghan Innovation technology incubator scheme which WNT Ventures was recently renewed as a supplier.
Sortify.tm is the eighth investment in WNT Ventures Fund 2 with a ninth to be announced shortly. WNT Fund 2 is still making investments and welcomes enquiries from pre-revenue start-ups with strong intellectual property potential looking for investment capital - even during this period of uncertainty.
Reach out to one of the WNT team either through our website at www.wntventures.co.nz or via to enquire about investment and support.